Monday, August 31, 2009

In Daniel We Trust

Here are things I know for sure:

1. Dancers are superheroes.

2. A dancer is often asked to do choreography that requires complete trust in another human being.

3. I will never be more than an "actor who moves."

But if I HAD to do the following move, I am pretty sure I could trust Daniel Watts and his biceps.
Check out this sweet lift sequence featuring
Memphis cast members LaQuet Sharnell and Daniel Watts:

This is a new lift for the opening number of the Broadway production and it is crazy hard.

Fun Fact: Cast members Derrick Baskin and Daniel Watts have an original work called "Words." They performed it a few weeks ago and it was perhaps one of the most exciting performances I have seen in this City in a long time. Not only did Derrick sing (whose voice is glorious beyond words) but I discovered that Daniel is an amazing poet.

Coupled with his dance skills and his biceps, one might say that Daniel is a catch.

Fun Fact: in the photo above, you can see the rehearsal set for the
Memphis band on the right side of the actors (technically speaking, upstage left). Anyway, there are several scenes where the musicians are not just onstage, but they are in costume/wigs and even have character names.

Hip cat names like "Chester" and "Vernon."

Listen for Montego (Felicia) to shout out their names during Act One.