Cast Members Brad Bass and Sydney Morton:

Wig Designer Chuck La Pointe, measures Music Director, Kenny Seymour, for his wig. With the band onstage for much of the show, Kenny must cover his dreads. There were about 6 cameras taking pictures of this one event:

Michael Hartman, from The Hartman Group (Press):
Lead Producer, Kenny Alhadeff, likes what he hears during the read thru:
Percussionist, Clayton Craddock, keeps it real:

Cast Member, James Monroe Iglehart, plays "Bobby":

Costume Designer, Paul Tazewell:

Jermaine Rembert, Dionne Figgins, and Derrick Baskin (Gator).
This may be the most attractive cast currently on Broadway:

Cast Member Vivian Nixon:

Kenny's birthday surprise.

Fun Fact: Last Monday, I brought a giant knife and a lighter on the Metro-North train and subway with me to deal with this cake. Thankfully, the police were not doing random bag searches that day.