Monday, August 31, 2009

In Daniel We Trust

Here are things I know for sure:

1. Dancers are superheroes.

2. A dancer is often asked to do choreography that requires complete trust in another human being.

3. I will never be more than an "actor who moves."

But if I HAD to do the following move, I am pretty sure I could trust Daniel Watts and his biceps.
Check out this sweet lift sequence featuring
Memphis cast members LaQuet Sharnell and Daniel Watts:

This is a new lift for the opening number of the Broadway production and it is crazy hard.

Fun Fact: Cast members Derrick Baskin and Daniel Watts have an original work called "Words." They performed it a few weeks ago and it was perhaps one of the most exciting performances I have seen in this City in a long time. Not only did Derrick sing (whose voice is glorious beyond words) but I discovered that Daniel is an amazing poet.

Coupled with his dance skills and his biceps, one might say that Daniel is a catch.

Fun Fact: in the photo above, you can see the rehearsal set for the
Memphis band on the right side of the actors (technically speaking, upstage left). Anyway, there are several scenes where the musicians are not just onstage, but they are in costume/wigs and even have character names.

Hip cat names like "Chester" and "Vernon."

Listen for Montego (Felicia) to shout out their names during Act One.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen

If you found a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, would your friends believe you? No they wouldn't. So you'd take a picture with your iPhone and send it to them via the world wide web.

Well, I have found my pot of gold and through the magic of the interweb, I am sharing it with all of you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce Memphis Lead Producer Kenny Alhadeff with a most excellent companion:

Yes, that's right. Carol Channing y'all.
And not just any Carol Channing; this is 1970s gaucho wearing Carol Channing.

And how cool is Kenny?
Not only is he rockin' the afro, but the casual- meeting a legend- hand in one pocket stance---amazing.

I'm not sure I have ever been this excited about a photo, ever.

Kenny is the coolest.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Getting there

Sitting at rehearsal yesterday, with Samson (Show Pup) on my lap, I watched as Chris Ashley (Director) staged Huey's Act II song "Memphis Lives in Me."

Chad sang this song in Shubert Alley on Wednesday:

So the cast is running through the song in the rehearsal studio, no orchestra, no set, no costumes or theatrical lights; there are no fancy dance moves, no swanky special effects, and was hard to keep it together.

Cary Tedder, Kevin Covert and Brad Brass:

It was that overwhelming feeling that comes from being so excited and so proud and so moved that you want to burst.

It was a moment that reminded me why we are doing this show.

Dionne Figgins and Dan'yelle Williamson:

It's so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of working on a show, whether it is a school production or a Broadway show. Laundry doesn't get done, refrigerators become hotels for condiments and summer movies become winter Netflix rentals.

But there is something happening in that rehearsal room that is very exciting.

It's Heart + Art times Show Power.

Now I have never been much for math, but that is an equation I can understand.

Sidenote: I just finished 5 loads of laundry and am feeling very accomplished.

LaQuet Sharnell, Jennifer Allen, Hillary Elk, Katie Webber and Vivian Nixon

Photos by Chris Owyoung

Friday, August 28, 2009

What the What?

I have to admit, amongst all the a Broadway show activity of this week, I sort of forgot about the massive load in effort that is happening at the Shubert Theatre.
If you are in town, the craziness on 44th street has only increased as Hamlet starring Jude Law has begun loading into the Broadhurst Theatre next door. Just to clarify, Jude is not actually doing any of the load in himself. Cheeky Bastard. So between the road boxes and the deck pieces and the carpenters, there is not a lot of room for walking between Memphis and Hamlet.
But today is Friday in New York, and in the summer, Friday means that if you are in town working, you can actually get some work done. Phones stop ringing, your Blackberry takes a break from its virtual workout, and you get to do all those things you have been wanting to do all week, like go to the Shubert. And it wasn't even what was happening onstage that blew my mind today.
Just take a gander of what the house (where the seats are) looks like as we forge ahead towards technical rehearsals which are slated to start after Labor Day:

What the what?
Having never been through a Broadway tech before, I am totally out of my league.

The house looks like the control room of a shuttle launch.

Come to think of it, opening a Broadway show does feel a lot like what it must feel like when you are strapped into a space shuttle getting ready, and I believe the correct terminology is, to blast off.

Fun Fact: My boyfriend has an undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering which means he is pretty much a rocket scientist. And last night while he cooked dinner, he said to me "you know, not everything has to be a song." I may or may not have been freestyling a song about him cooking at the time.

Tech terrifies me. Probably because the only thing I really remember about technical theater from college is how to use a power drill and that there is, allegedly, a lighting instrument called a fresnel.

Fun Fact: My boyfriend does not know how to use a power drill.

Fun Fact: Memphis cast members Montego Glover and Kevin Covert went to college together. I want to say they went to Florida State University. But you may have to Wikipedia that to get the facts.

But truth be told, I cannot wait to sit in the dark theater for hours and watch it come together.
To quote my friend Molly, it's going to be epic. And it is only a week away.
Maybe I will twitter as we tech.
Mental Note: Learn how to twitter.

While I spend the weekend figuring out how to twitter, enjoy this artsy photo I snapped while standing on 44th street in the rain while wedged in between some road boxes and carpenters.

The mesh wall on the Shubert is reflected in the Sardi's 2nd floor window.

I thought it was cool. And poetic and stuff.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hidden Treasures

Randy (Producer) walked by my desk today while these clips were playing and said something to the effect of "people always ask why we don't have 'stars'. But that's the thing; we do."

It only makes sense that in the background of this screen shot of Chad, the banner across the street says "Hidden Treasure."

You've gotta love the Memphis logo mic. That's pretty serious.

Fun Fact: Yesterday at the Box Office event was actually the first time I had heard Montego, who plays Felicia, sing that verse of the Act II finale song "Steal Your Rock 'n' Roll" as this is a new change from previous productions. She pretty much belts her face off and I love it.

photo by Chris Owyoung

Get ready to fall in love with these two and the entire cast of Memphis.

You will wonder how you have lived your life thus far without them.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fan-tastical Debut in Shubert Alley

Today was amazing.

First of all, a huge shout out to the Memphis Team for successfully shutting down Shubert Alley AND to the Memphis cast who really, in the words of Rachel Zoe, "shut it down."

Then, a few disclaimers: 1. I did not get great photos today mostly because I had my hands full with these most excellent fans. But fear not, there were so many photogs there that it will probably take me several days to post the photo goodies. 2. I was also stationed behind the stage on 44th street so I not in great photo position. 3. Also that is not a blemish in the center of my forehead but a souvenir from last weekend's Canada trip given to me by a loving mosquito. Thanks Canada!

How to survive a Broadway Publicity Event:

1. Take note that UPS has an early early delivery pre-8:30am.
To quote Memphis "Have faith and believe" that the driver is willing to come back to your office. The shirts arrived at 11:20am. This may not sound like a big deal except they had to be at the theatre and on the cast before noon. There is nothing like stalking a UPS driver throughout midtown.

Ephraim Sykes, Derrick Baskin and J. Bernard Calloway look pretty great:

2. Support A Great Cause.
The VH1 Save the Music keyboard ensemble and vocalist were stellar. The young man who soloed on "My Girl" and "Just My Imagination" had the Memphis cast (and crowd) loving every jewel-toned high note.

Please forgive the poor photography but note the "I'm loving it" expressions:

3. Invite great people.
There was much love from the the crowd as well as the Broadway community.

Memphis Blog Shout out to Sweet Apple: I was thrilled to catch the teen ensemble from Roundabout's upcoming revival of Bye Bye Birdie hanging out before their rehearsal.

4. Assemble a great team.
I was in charge of the Fan-tastical Street team who will henceforth be know as Team-tastic. Thank you Mattie, Kristel, Emily, Diana, Nick-tastic (who had this name prior to the forming of Team-tastic) Francesca, and Hannah (Memphis PA "Magical Meg"'s sister who proved that Magical-ness is genetic) for handing out fans and spreading the word.

Emily and Mattie of Team-tastic:

Nick-tastic and Francesca got extra points for giving a fan to Billy Elliot Tony nominated actor, David Bologna:

(Again with the failed camera work. I think that's one of the fans I was holding obscuring the bottom left of the picture...)

Best question asked to a member of Team-tastic:
"So is this where they are giving out the free BBQ...and shots?"

Most encouraging question asked to a member of Team-tastic:
"So, can we see this show today?"

5. Learn how to download zip files so you can properly post the professional photographer's photographs on your blog.

6. But the key to surviving a Broadway Publicity event may lie in one little device:

I call it simply, The Pack.

Yes, I did bust out my boyfriend's fanny pack in order to help me get through today.
And no, I did not rock it Hulk Hogan style, but chose the more refined, pseudo-European, casually thrown over the shoulder way.

Fun Fact: the babies in the photo are my niece and nephew, 1 year-old twins, Lilly and Tyler. They love Memphis.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Make Your Day

This girl got a fan and it clearly made her day.

You too can get a fan and find this kind of happiness.

Tomorrow. Shubert Alley. 44th & 45th Sts. between Broadway and 8th. 12-1pm.

And based on the weather report for tomorrow (91 degrees or something), you may NEED this fan simply for health reasons.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Props to the Props

Week Two of rehearsals.

I have to be honest; I have never experienced anything of this magnitude. The force of a Broadway show is like no other theatrical experience.

And I have been a part of some pretty "big deal" shows.

Like my star turn as "Crystal" in the 1997 Sacred Heart Preparatory Spring Production of Little Shop Of Horrors:

You know it's classy when the props are totally accurate to the period.
I would also say that I make this expression about 12 times a day right now.
I digress.

Unlike those used in my high school production, the props in Memphis are legit.
No anachronistic inconsistencies here.

When doing a Broadway show, you may want to trade your boombox for a period radio:

You also know you are doing a Broadway show when the props are serious.

Exhibit A: Corn Service Sets.

You may never see what these things are from the audience, but let me tell you, here at Memphis, we don't mess around.
If and when you get a chance to see the show, you'll be able to spot these highly sought after Corn Service Sets when the actors are shopping in the Collins Department Store scene in Act One.

Mental Note: Try and bring back Corn Service Sets.

Am I the only one who gets excited about period prop pieces?
In the event that you are not yet as excited as I, take a gander at the cash register also used in that Collins Department store scene:

Artistic Shot of the Day:

And when your Broadway musical is about the birth of rock 'n' roll and a DJ who helps bring that music to mainstream America, you better have the goods, equipment wise.

Fun Fact: Though Felicia Farrell IS a character in Memphis, this is not a photo of Montego Glover who plays Felicia Farrell in Memphis. (That is not so much a "fun fact" as it is a disclaimer.)

Actual Fun Fact: Lead Producer Sue Frost, worked at Goodspeed Musicals. Goodspeed Musicals was producing They All Laughed, which was a show by Memphis Bookwriter, Joe DiPietro. A week before rehearsals were to begin, the director dropped out of the show and Sue called Chris Ashley (Director) hoping he had a window in his schedule. He did. And that's how Sue brought Joe and Chris to the creative table where they have feasted ever since. Thanks Sue!

My Dog Samson aka "Show Pup" Shot of the Day:

Disclaimer: Although Samson is not a prop, he is in the rehearsal room so, technically, this shot is Memphis related.
Unlike yesterday's photo which was clearly just gratuitous stage-mom-promotion on my behalf.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Wedding and a BBQ

You are cordially invited.
As previously mentioned on this blog, the box office for Memphis is opening TOMORROW, Monday! I'm pretty sure this means I will have to stop by and check it out. I hope they have taken the road boxes out of the box office lobby...

Of course you can buy tickets online, but there is something snazzy about being able to walk up to Shubert box office, choose your seat with a real life person and not pay any online fees.

To celebrate, the cast of Memphis will be performing in Shubert Alley on WEDNESDAY, August 26th at noon.

We have been planning for this event for about two months now. And by we, I mean mostly Nick and Nina from Type A Marketing. You don't just shut down Shubert Alley for an hour and have that come together in a week. Those two have been in the thick of things planning for this event and I am so excited. As long as the Memphis t-shirts arrive here by Wednesday, we should be all good. Come on don't fail me now.

Insider Fun Fact: the kids playing with David Bryan as part of the VH1 Save The Music portion of the Wednesday presentation are reportedly going to be performing "Just My Imagination" and "My Girl." I think the cuteness factor will be off the charts.

Shout Out: I would be remiss if I did not give a Memphis Blog Shout Out to Sarah Nashman and Chris Owyoung who got married yesterday in Peterborough (which is somewhere in Canada).

The backstory: Junkyard Dog Productions shares an office space with New Time Productions. New Time Productions is run by Lauren Doll and Sarah is her Associate. Lauren is also a producer on Memphis so it makes it fun (and convenient) to have a project that the whole office is working on together.

Sarah is a total gem and it was great to be in this beautiful setting yesterday for such an amazing event. They wrote their own vows which had everyone in tears; I was literally stunned by the beauty of their vows and want to have a copy for myself- that's how good they are.

I am thrilled for Chris and Sarah and can't wait for Sarah to get back to the office and give me a consult on the printer issues.

They were also kind enough to let us bring Samson (Show Pup) to the wedding. Driving to Canada and back makes for one tired Pup:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Getting to Know You

Just got photos in from Apples and Oranges photographer, Sharad Jaiswal from the Meet and Greet on Monday. So I decided that today would be Photo Friday! Enjoy!

Cast Members Brad Bass and Sydney Morton:

Wig Designer Chuck La Pointe, measures Music Director, Kenny Seymour, for his wig. With the band onstage for much of the show, Kenny must cover his dreads. There were about 6 cameras taking pictures of this one event:

Michael Hartman, from The Hartman Group (Press):

Lead Producer, Kenny Alhadeff, likes what he hears during the read thru:

Percussionist, Clayton Craddock, keeps it real:

Cast Member, James Monroe Iglehart, plays "Bobby":

Costume Designer, Paul Tazewell:

Jermaine Rembert, Dionne Figgins, and Derrick Baskin (Gator).
This may be the most attractive cast currently on Broadway:

Cast Member Vivian Nixon:

Kenny's birthday surprise.

Fun Fact: Last Monday, I brought a giant knife and a lighter on the Metro-North train and subway with me to deal with this cake. Thankfully, the police were not doing random bag searches that day.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Day in the Life or Razzle Zazzle

I thought it would be interesting to log my day and then blog about it. Log n' Blog.

6:44am: Woke up and showered.

7:08am: Watched episode 7 of Season 1 of True Blood while eating breakfast and getting ready so I could mail the disc to Netflix today.

8:08am: Walked Samson.

8:46am: Continued to get ready. Samson is exhausted and will not be coming to the office today.

9:14am: Out the door to the train station.

9:16am: Decided I do not need an iced latte.

9:24am: Express train to Grand Central. Activities include list making, texting, followed by general daydreaming and brainstorming.

9:53am: Arrived at Grand Central.

9:57am: Am so preoccupied that I walk at full speed into the turnstile at the Subway Shuttle because I try and walk through without having swiped my Metro Card. Full speed. This may be the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me while commuting in New York. Perhaps I should have purchased that coffee.

10:03am: Arrive at Times Square. Walk past the Hilton Theatre and resist the urge to camp out at rehearsal all day. Instead, I stop at the deli and purchase 3 Diet Cokes. One for Randy, one for Sue, and a Caffeine Free one for me.

10:07am: See Lead Producers Barbara & Buddy Freitag outside the office and ride the elevator to the Junkyard Dog office together. Barbara has on great jewelry as per usual and a great bag; let's just say it starts with "Pra" and ends with "da." My Kate Spade bag bows out of respect.

10:11am: Lead Producers are meeting in the conference room and I get to the business at hand, which mainly involves emails. Lots of emails.

10:56am: Sue takes a phone call and one producer needs 6 packets by 3pm. With the Freitags taking my last 3, I now need to make more packets. Okay...

11:28am: Meeting at the General Managers office with Michael Lawrence whose firm is planning the Opening Night Party. Buddy makes sure that there will be plenty of room for dancing.

11:58am: Party planning meeting turns into a Box Office Opening meeting.

Show Power Alert: Memphis is taking over Shubert Alley. Next Wednesday, August 26th from 12-1pm, all are welcome to join us for the first NYC performance by the full company as well as a special presentation by the VH1 Save the Music Program. A portion of the proceeds from the box office that day will help Memphis restore a music program at an NYC or New Jersey School. Plus, there will be free BBQ. And belting. Lots of belting.

12:15pm: Chipotle for lunch. Large iced tea/lemonade needed today.

12:37pm: Time to get to the business of making packets; the packets contain information regarding the show, mostly for Investors. Printing begins.

Packets include reviews from the La Jolla and Seattle productions:

1:14pm: Major Color Printer malfunction. I literally say out loud, "Oh, my stars." It feels both appropriate and classy for the workplace.

1:53pm: Packets are done.

2pm: Conference call with Apples and Oranges. They are a company that works between New York City and Orange County, CA. So the name works on many levels.

2:48pm: Conference call ends.

2:51pm: Already have an email from Jacob at Apples and Oranges about scheduling a meeting for next week. We are going to be "locked in a room together" sometime next week; our creative minds will apparently give birth to brilliance.

2:55pm: I steal the Diet Coke that I had originally purchased for Sue. (See 10:03am).

3:29pm: After much witty banter between Jacob and I in which I reveal that I am allergic to the elastic in socks (true), he writes "I could tell from your blog how funny you are, but now I am really looking forward to meeting you." That may be the greatest compliment I have ever received.

3:30pm: I immediately write back and make sure I can quote him on the aforementioned blog.

3:45pm: Despite the stress, something makes me laugh and I tell Sue "at least I am having fun."

3:54pm: Sue leaves for rehearsal. I start moving into hyper speed so I can get there to watch some of it before a 5pm meeting. I realize I don't know where Randy has gone.

4:06pm: Attempted to create some Memphis t-shirt magic on But it doesn't load my design correctly.

4:07pm: Producer Kenny Alhadeff makes a clutch decision regarding the BBQ. It's going to be a blowout.

4:10pm: Try Zazzle again. No go.

4:15pm: Office phone rings and my phone cord tips the remaining liquid from the contraband Diet Coke, DIRECTLY ONTO MY BLACKBERRY. Tried to assess the damage to the blackberry while talking to the person on the phone.

I took this picture way before I spilled the diet coke, but you can see sort of see my Blackberry Pearl right next to the phone cord:

4:19pm: Randy comes back. He has been at the bank and at the Shubert Theatre. The giant back wall of the set has gone up and he says it looks awesome.

4:28pm: Discover that the photo disc with pictures from the Meet and Greet on Monday is stuck in my disc drive.

4:38pm: Finally headed over to rehearsal.

4:52: Caught the tail end of "Make Me Stronger;" the Act 1 Gospel-inspired number. I found myself unable to contain my excitement and rocked out a bit in the corner.

5:01pm: I catch Buddy Frietag dancing while Composer David Bryan is singing and clapping along. This is a fun group. Buddy agrees to do a special video piece for the blog to spotlight some of these moves. Art is meant to be shared after all.

5:07pm: A meeting of the minds.

6:54pm: took a Cab to Grand Central- perhaps because of the heat or most likely because of the shame of the morning's turnstile mishap. The cab driver decided to take 42nd street instead of 44th street to Grand Central. I'm annoyed but I am distracted by my clearly non-functioning Blackberry.

6:55pm: Phone is working but I cannot access my emails and they have been pouring in since turning on my phone post-meeeting.

6:59pm: Arrived at Grand Central- forked over more cash than normal due to driver's ridiculous route choice.

7:07pm: Decided to get a refreshing coffee beverage. (better late than never?) With that purchase, I am out of cash.

7:25pm: Express train home. Anxiety over phone increases with every email that is coming in that I cannot open. Or perhaps its a text. I don't know. I. Cannot. Open. It. I am not working in the office tomorrow and will not be by a computer for the lionshare of the day. Where's Eat, Pray, Love when you need it?

7:41pm: Will (boyfriend) calls and says he will meet me at the train station and take me to the Verizon store which is only open until 9pm. A glimmer of hope...

8:20pm: Arrived at Verizon store and put my name in the cue.

8:35pm: Name is called. Phone is diagnosed. A new phone is ordered. Tomorrow is going to be painful. Made mental note to bring Eat, Pray, Love with me.

9:15pm-Now: Finally at home. Read emails. Blogging begins. I stop keeping track of time.

10:29pm: I finally look at the time.

10:31pm: Will asks me to take the dog out. I've come full circle.

11:33pm: Realized I still have to order that stuff from Zazzle.