But tomorrow, if you live in the area, you can wake up and go see many Broadway Showstoppers before they go to their matinees or, in the case of Memphis, back to tech rehearsal. The weather report says it is supposed to be 75 degrees tomorrow, so here's hoping.
Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Seeing the Memphis cast in costume and wigs for the first time.
2. Seeing the Fela performance- I didn't get a chance to see that show Off-Broadway so I am excited to see a glimpse of what it is all about.
3. Nick-tastic is excited because he says the cast of Ragtime is allegedly doing a "Wheels of a Dream" and "Ragtime" medley. Nick-tastic is as obsessed with Ragtime. And Memphis. He likes shows with one-word titles. And sassy high belting.
4. Seeing the In the Heights performance so I can tell my mom about it. I gave her the CD last Christmas and she tells me she's obsessed with it. I'm pretty sure it's the only CD she listens to. I'm looking forward to giving her the Memphis cast album so she can mix it up and live on the edge a bit.
Yes, that's right. I get to hand some lucky fans tickets to the first preview performance! We know times are tough and that everyone is cutting back. So all you have to do is show up at Broadway on Broadway in your homemade HUEY gear!
The first 2 groups of four to meet the Memphis fan street team at 44th and Broadway (we will be wearing show t-shirts) will get tickets for their whole group (total of four) to the first preview of Memphis, on September 23rd at 8pm.
Of course no contest would be complete without some legal eagle conditions:
Contestants should wear homemade H-U-E-Y shirts with each letter of his name being worn by one member of your group. Contestants must find the street team between 11:30am-12pm, get their picture taken all together, and they will get a voucher for scheduling their seats. Seat location will be determined by the production.
So get your Sharpies out and make it happen. Don't say the Producers of this show never threw you a bone.
Speaking of bones, several people have been asking me if Samson (Show Pup) will be attending Broadway on Broadway tomorrow. And while Samson is particularly obsessed with Cheyenne Jackson, I'm pretty sure that Times Square during a huge Broadway event is not particularly safe for a small, 14lb dog.
Unless of course, I invested in a quality stroller: