We have launched!
The new website that is...
If you are a regular reader of the blog, thank you! I want you to be the first to know that the super snazzy, tricked out, official Memphis website is ready and waiting to be explored and enjoyed by all.
So go there and linger for a while taking in the sites and sounds of Memphis. And while you are there, you may notice in the navigation bar, lovingly placed between "Spread the Word" and "Music Mixer,"you'll see "Blog."
That's right, this blog is now linked to the official Memphis Website.
That is both seriously cool and seriously serious.
(If you have come to the Blog from the Official Memphis website, welcome! Do not be scared, you are in good hands, albeit hands that are in desperate need of a manicure. This is where you will find information, stories and photos of the process and the people working on the Broadway production of Memphis; information that will make you even more excited about the production for which you are about to buy tickets.)
I feel that in order to properly honor this exciting night, I should welcome the official Memphis website to the official Memphis blog with some special edition "Fun Facts."
Special Edition Fun Fact: The Official Memphis Website was created by the Fantastical folks at SpotCo in New York City. SpotCo is an Entertainment Advertising Company that has terrific people, a terrific midtown office, and a terrific "snack alley" in between the conference rooms that features TWO mini refrigerators full of cold beverages (plenty of Diet Coke, of course) and tempting chocolate treats.
Special Edition Fun Fact: The official website has an awesome photo gallery as well--In a previous post, I mentioned that there was live video feed taken onstage during the show and the images are projected onto the scenery. Here's a sneak peak of how that technology actually looked during the show at the La Jolla Playhouse production last summer. Photo by KevinBerne.com:

Special Edition Fun Fact: I used to watch James M. Iglehardt (Bobby), pictured above, when he was acting in the Bay Area. After seeing him as "Judas "in a production of Jesus Christ Superstar at Broadway by the Bay, a good friend of mine saw James at the stage door and gave him a ziploc bag full of cheddar goldfish and a piece of baguette; this was supposed to represent "loaves and fishes." For those of you looking to give out cast gifts for a production of JCS, I recommend Joe's take on "loaves and fishes."
Special Edition Fun Fact: Speaking of cast gifts, one of my jobs is the incredibly fun but incredibly arduous task of dealing with Opening Night gifts. No matter how many productions I have worked on with Junkyard Dog Productions, no matter the planning and preparation, there always seems to be this last minute scramble to get everything done. But, I am pledging to turn over a new leaf and not be a crazy lunatic on October 19th when Memphis opens. Thank goodness Nick-tastic will be helping out in the office, bringing his magic and crazy creative ideas to the table. Welcome, Nick! Check in on October 20th to see what we've come up with...it will have to be a surprise until then.
The cast did a full run thru today in the rehearsal studio for a packed audience of designers, producers, production staff, group sales agents, etc. I stayed in the office working on Memphis magic with Nick-tastic, but all reports were super positive. This is good because...
Show Power Alert: Memphis begins previews 3 weeks from today!!!
September 23rd, Shubert Theatre.
Mark your calendars.
Save the Date.
Update your Outlook.
Tweet your pals.
Facebook your friends.
Or kick it old school and pick up the phone;
however you communicate, ask someone to be your "plus one" and make a date to go to Memphis.
Special Edition Fun Fact: In order to get this post online before midnight, I have forgotten to eat dinner. But I remembered to feed, Samson (Show Pup).
He is very excited about being official. Clearly.