Working in a Producer's office is like being an air traffic controller. The challenge is trying to keep everything on your radar, each initiative flying smoothly and landing without incident.
I'm pretty sure my work email is outpacing my personal email at a inbox ration of 17:1; my Netflix queue is empty and I am barely updating my personal Facebook Status Update (tragedy, I know). Samson (Show Pup) and I were running around town today: to and from Grand Central, 3 visits to the Shubert Theater, and an advertising meeting at SpotCo.
Show Pup Broadway Star sighting: While we were leaving SpotCo's offices today, we walked right by Stockard Channing. Props to Randy (Producer) for seeing past the "I'm going incognito" dark glasses and pointing her out. Samson was thrilled.
The cast returned to the Shubert today after a day off to continue technical rehearsals. Producers Nick Demos and Francine Bizar sponsored a delicious buffet meal down in the lower lobby tonight for the cast and crew. The tortellini was out of sight but I was most excited to see that Francine made her famous peanut butter squares.
We should really call them "I wish I could quit you" peanut butter squares- they are that good.
(This may not seem like important "show related" information but when you are in technical rehearsals, getting a good, not-so-fast-food meal is a challenge. One barely has time to sleep, let alone go to the grocery store/pack nutritious and delicious food for the day ahead.)
The countdown continues as we have our first preview performance one week from tomorrow!!
What the What?? I am dizzy with anticipation.
Just for Fun: Broadway.com released photos from the Memphis cast visit to The Toxic Avenger performance last night. Photos by Jenny Anderson.